Green Protein?

When I was eating vegan, I thought the below meme was hilarious! People were always asking me where I got my protein from since I didn’t eat meat, eggs, or dairy. If you are a fan of Samuel L. Jackson’s intense nature, you will appreciate this meme.

What most people don’t realize is that we get protein from plants. Where do you think your meat got its protein from? From eating plants! Have you ever seen a gorilla…they are huge - and yes, they eat a diet that consists entirely of plants!

Where Do You Get Your Protein Greens?

Rather than protein, a much more important question I like to ask is - where do you get your GREENS?

Across the board, a common theme amongst my clients is that they all have a leafy green deficiency in their diet. I believe there is so much emphasis on getting enough protein that greens are simply forgotten. Getting enough greens becomes a blind spot.

The truth is that leafy greens are where we get many of our much needed nutrients from! Including PROTEIN! Bio-available protein, meaning protein that is easily absorbed by the body, come from leafy greens and not animal protein. (But, if you must eat animal meat, eat grass-fed and organic so that you can avoid the toxic chemicals, drugs, and hormone disruptors in conventional meat.)

By adding more greens into your diet, you will get the nutrients and protein that your body craves. I’m talking about spinach, kale, arugula, chard, butter lettuce, bok choy, spring mix salad, romaine lettuce, red or green lettuce, beet greens, etc.

All greens are healthy for you - don’t believe the lies that romaine or butter lettuce are not very “healthy.” If it is green (or sometimes red!), it is very good for you. Period. All greens have different nutrients and vitamins, which is why I recommend rotating your greens. 4-8 cups a day is ideal. Often, when I say this, people seem surprised and nervous about getting that much into their diet. However, it is easy if you are simply adding a few large handfuls to most of your meals each day.

My favorite ways to incorporate more greens daily are:

  • Add a few handfuls to a smoothie (spinach is especially mild and delicious).

  • Add a pound of greens to your hot soup when it is finished cooking (they will wilt down to nothing).

  • Add greens to your hot pasta meal.

  • Add greens to your stir-fry along with those colorful veggies (add a lot as they will wilt down to nothing).

  • Made green juice.

  • Stuff a sandwich or wrap with your favorite greens.

  • Make a big ole salad with the base being 4 cups of greens and then add the rest of your favorite ingredients.

  • Make a side salad to eat with your dinner.

So remember, if you want to get strong like Popeye and live a long life, eat your spinach! Seriously, leafy greens are the ultimate longevity food.

I hope you are feeling inspired to bring these life-saving, healing foods into your diet and life.


Hydrate Like A Boss